Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically emerge in your late teens or early twenties. These late bloomers often cause issues such as overcrowding, impaction, and misalignment when they try to push through the gums. This can lead to pain, swelling, infection, and damage to neighboring teeth if left untreated.

While some lucky individuals may have enough room in their mouths for wisdom teeth without any problems, most people end up needing them removed by an oral surgeon to prevent complications down the road.

Symptoms of Problematic Wisdom Teeth 

Experiencing symptoms of problematic wisdom teeth in Jacksonville Beach, FL, can be quite uncomfortable.  

  • One common symptom is pain or tenderness in the back of the mouth where the wisdom teeth are located. This discomfort may also radiate to the jaw, ears, and neck.
  • Swelling around the gums near the affected area is another indication that your wisdom teeth might be causing issues. The swelling can result in difficulty opening your mouth fully or discomfort while chewing.
  • Some people may notice their gums bleeding or feeling sensitive when brushing near their wisdom teeth. Bad breath and an unpleasant taste in the mouth can also be signs of impacted wisdom teeth.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's essential to consult with our qualified oral surgeon in Jacksonville Beach, FL, for an evaluation and appropriate treatment plan. Wisdom teeth removal may be necessary to alleviate these discomforts and prevent further oral health problems.

Procedure for Removing Wisdom Teeth

The procedure for removing wisdom teeth in Jacksonville Beach, FL, is typically performed by our military-friendly oral surgeon. Before the extraction, our oral surgeon will administer local anesthesia to numb the area and ensure you are comfortable during the procedure.

Once the anesthesia takes effect, the oral surgeon in Jacksonville Beach, FL, will use special tools to loosen the tooth and gently remove it from its socket in the jawbone. In some cases where a tooth is impacted or trapped beneath the gum line, a small incision may be necessary to access and extract it properly.

Afterward, our oral surgeon will provide you with postoperative care instructions to promote healing and prevent infection. This may include guidelines on pain management, diet restrictions, and how to keep the extraction site clean while it heals. 

It's important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth recovery process and minimize any potential complications. If you have any concerns or experience excessive pain or bleeding after the procedure, don't hesitate to contact our oral surgeon near me for guidance and support.

Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Here are several benefits of undergoing wisdom teeth removal in Jacksonville Beach, FL:

  • Prevents overcrowding: Wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding as they try to fit into a space that may not be sufficient in the jaw. Removing them can help maintain the alignment of the existing teeth, especially for those who have had orthodontic treatments.
  • Reduces risk of oral disease: Partially erupted wisdom teeth are difficult to clean, making them breeding grounds for bacteria that can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and infections. Removing them helps maintain overall oral hygiene and health.
  • Alleviates pain and discomfort: Wisdom teeth can cause significant pain and discomfort as they erupt and push against other teeth. Removal alleviates this pain and prevents future dental issues related to these teeth.
  • Prevents damage to adjacent teeth: As wisdom teeth emerge, they can push against adjacent teeth, causing damage or resorption. Removing them protects these nearby teeth from structural damage and potential orthodontic problems.
  • Improves oral health: Removing wisdom teeth simplifies the dental landscape, making it easier to brush and floss effectively. This leads to better oral hygiene and decreases the risk of cavities and gum disease in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Cost-effective in the long run: By addressing potential problems early, wisdom teeth removal can save money on future dental treatments related to complications caused by these teeth.

By having wisdom teeth removed, many patients can avoid a host of potential health issues and enjoy a healthier, more comfortable mouth. It's generally a preventive measure to protect the future state of your dental health.

Tips for Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After undergoing wisdom teeth removal in Jacksonville Beach, FL, it's crucial to follow the right steps for a smooth recovery process. 

  • To alleviate discomfort and reduce swelling, apply an ice pack to the affected area for short intervals during the first 24 hours.
  • Stick to soft foods like yogurt, soup, and mashed potatoes while avoiding hot or spicy dishes that may irritate your gums. 
  • It's also essential to stay hydrated but avoid using straws as they can dislodge blood clots.
  • Make sure to gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water multiple times a day to keep the extraction site clean and promote healing. 
  • Additionally, adhere to any prescribed pain medications and antibiotics as directed by our oral surgeon in Jacksonville Beach, FL.
  • While resting is important for recovery, try not to lie flat on your back as it can prolong swelling. Instead, prop yourself up slightly with pillows when sleeping.

Following these tips diligently will help you recover more comfortably and quickly after wisdom teeth removal!

Ready to take the next step toward optimal oral health? Contact Beaches Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery today at (904) 246-6545 or visit us at 472 Jacksonville Dr., Jacksonville Beach, FL. Our skilled team is dedicated to providing exceptional oral and maxillofacial care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.


472 Jacksonville Dr,
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

Office Hours

MON8:00 am - 4:00 pm

TUE8:00 am - 4:00 pm

WED8:00 am - 4:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 2:00 pm

